个人简介:宋兴娟,女,博士,云顶国际yd333讲师。2021年毕业于华中科技大学并获博士学位;从事二维半导体纳米材料光电子器件的制备及其在光电、智能仿生、感存算等方面的用研究。在ACS Nano、Applied Surface Science、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices、Energy 、Nanotechnology等SCI期刊发表了十余篇研究论文。
(1)Xingjuan Song, Bao Yi, Qijun Chen, Jeongmin Hong*, et al. A machine learning powered ultrahigh controllable and wearable magnetoelectric piezotronic touching device. ACS Nano, 2024.
(2)Yaoyao Jin, Ming Zhu, Yuhong Zhou, Zihao Zhang, Jinzhao Wang, Xingjuan Song, Jiahao Meng, Shanwu Ke, Tianyi Zhang, Siqi Chen, Ruiqi Li, Bei Jiang, Cong Y. Controllable Electrical Properties of ZrO2/BiFeO3 Bilayer Memristor from Synaptic Mimic to TRNG Circuit Application by Modulating Compliance Currents. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2024.
(3)Yi Tan, Jinxia Xu, Qiliang Li, Wanting Zhang, Chong Lu, Xingjuan Song, Lingyun Liu, Ying Chen. Sensitivity-Enhanced, Room-Temperature Detection of NH3 with Alkalized Ti3C2Tx MXene. Nanomaterials, 2024, 14, 680.
(4)Jiang Bei, Ke ShanWu, Tao ZiPei, JIN YaoYao, Song XingJuan, YE Cong, et al. In-depth analysis of core-shell filaments in nonvolatile NbOx memristive device as an artificial synapse for multifunctional bionic applications. Sci. China Technol. Sci. 2023, 66, 3596–3603.
(5)Xingjuan Song, Lu Liu, Jingping Xu*. MoS2 negative capacitance transistors with steep slope and negligible hysteresis by using mono layer ZrAlyOx as the gate dielectric and NH3 plasma treatment. Applied Surface Science, 2022, 576: 151882.
(6)Xingjuan Song, Jingping Xu*, Lu Liu, Pui-To Lai and Wing-Man Tang*. Comprehensive investigation on treating the interfaces of stacked gate dielectric in MoS2 transistors by fluorine plasma, Applied Surface Science, 2021, 542: 148437.
(7)Xingjuan Song, Jingping Xu, Lu Liu*. High-quality CVD-MoS2 synthesized on Al2O3 for high performance field-effect transistors through surface modification. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2020, 67(11): 5196-5200.
(8) Xingjuan Song, Jingping Xu*, Lu Liu, Yuheng Deng,Pui-To Lai, and Wing-Man Tang*. Optimizing Al-doped ZrO2 as gate dielectric of MoS2 field-effect transistors. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 135206.
(9)Xingjuan Song, Jingping Xu*, Lu Liu, Pui-To Lai, and Wing-Man Tang*. Improved interfacial and electrical properties of few-layered MoS2 FETs with plasma-treated Al2O3 as gate dielectric. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 481:1028-1034.
(10) Jing-Ping Xu*, Wen-Xuan Xie, Lu Liu, Xinyuan Zhao, Xingjuan Song, Pui-To Lai. Effects of trapped charges in gate dielectric and high- k encapsulation on performance of MoS2 transistor. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2019, 66(2): 1107-1112.
(11)Jingping Xu*, Ming Wen, Xinyuan Zhao, Lu Liu, Xingjuan Song, Pui-To Lai and Wing-Man Tang. Effects of HfO2 encapsulation on electrical performances of few-layered MoS2 transistor with ALD HfO2 as back-gate dielectric, Nanotechnology, 2018, 29(34): 345201.
(12) Xingjuan Song, Dongming Zhang*. Bimetallic Ag-Ni/C particles as cathode catalyst in AFCs (alkaline fuel cells). Energy, 2014, Vol 70, pp. 223-230.